Current and new location for practice is in the center of Belgrade, near Zeleni venac, Vedanta Yoga Centar (Sremska 9).
Ashtanga yoga is the yoga of movement. It purifies the entire body and brings it into balance. Ashtanga yoga calms the nervous system and contributes to the feeling of an overall physical and mental bliss.
The approach to ashtanga yoga is individual and the positions are practiced with respect to the rhythm of practitioners themselves, which is the basis for enabling a safe progress through series of asanas. In our shala you can relax in the safe hands of teachers who transmit this knowledge through years of daily personal practice and teaching.
Yoga Chikitsa is the Sanskrit name for the primary series of ashtanga vinyasa yoga. It means yoga therapy/therapy that uses yoga.
The doors of Ashtanga Yoga Chikitsa Shala are opened for any level practitioners, from beginners to those more experienced.